Manzer Partazer

Today is not a day to talk about photography, clients, techniques… It’s a day to tell you about one of those projects that are worth to hear about: Manzer Partazer.

Quoting the description on their website “MANZER PARTAZER is the the first food sharing project of Mauritius. Our aim is to reduce the wastage of high quality ready to eat food by simply sharing it!”.

And yes, that’s it, as simple as that. Linking food donors such as hotels, restaurants, supermarkets, etc. to food receivers, entities who will look after the distribution of that surplus, those products that can’t be sold but are still perfectly valid for human consumption, among those needy ones, improving their nutrition and cutting costs.

I will not quote their entire website, but I definitely encourage you to go through it and have a better understanding of the idea behind, the entire process and, how you, me, and everyone can make a contribution to make a better, healthier and more equal world.

Thanks to my friend Davide Signa, I had the opportunity to know more about their project, to get to know the people and entities involved from all sides, and the chance to document all the great work that is being done behind the scenes, from food collection to food distribution.

Last but not least, thanks to everyone that took part in this photo reportage, Davide, Cécile, Navina, staff from Intermart QB, Jumbo Phoenix, VPA Vacoas, and the Congregation des soeurs du Bon et perpetuel secour.

Because you all make the world a better place!